April was a big month for Salpaus, with international visitors from all over the world.
We hosted guests in many departments including Culinary, Electronics, Business management, Car Maintenance, Plumbing and Travel and Tourism. As mentioned, the guests came from a wide geographical area including Taiwan, Spain, Croatia, Scotland and the Dominican Republic. During the same month, students and staff from Salpaus visited the following countries Norway, Denmark, Spain, Holland, Belgium, Iceland, Ireland, Slovenia, Croatia, Scotland, Malta, France and Germany. This provided that for us at Salpaus the world is truly a small place.
Therefore, the possibilities for home-internationalization and learning about other cultures were great. We hoped that all students and teachers wellcame our guests and embraced the opportunity to be involved.
Our teachers Marja Orpana-Niitlahti and Craig Donald discuss the value of international cooperation and reviewed exchange activities which have taken place over the last few months.